Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Attention KMart Shoppers! Update to _Helen_On_the_Run

(That was terrible; it was so Eighties . . .)

I was looking through Helen On the Run, and noticed that the Table of Contents was not working.  (It might still not be working; it could work for me at home, and then not work once Smashwords gets its hands on it.)

Furthermore, I realized that there were little episodes that I could not squeeze in anywhere else, namely: Helen meeting Sophie, and Helen meeting Olive Gibson.  There was a quickie visit I had shoehorned into On the Run, but I added another visit, which takes place at the same time as the Sophie meeting.

When I have the time, I should make a slightly better cover for On the Run, but it feels like a lot of work for something I'm giving away for free!
