Tuesday, February 11, 2025


I just re-read a portion of Voyager.  Guys, I felt like crying; it was so sad.  Not the whole thing; there were emotional parts, which were very emotional, and in between them, I guess I was typing fast to hurry the story along.  If I could have kept up that level of emotional intensity (of the emotional parts) throughout, that would have been a completely different piece of writing. 

There are several people that Helen loves in this story:

Cass Hutchinson, the chief administrator of the ship, whose idea it was to resuscitate Helen from the hibernation array.  She was more a great admirer of Helen than the other way round, but Helen did love Cass.  Cass was the grandmother of Summer Levi.

Melanie Arnaud, who becomes Helen's partner, the Captain of Cutter Alpha.

Lena and Summer, two teenagers whom Helen loves, and who adore Helen.

Daisy Warren, Alison's daughter-in-law, and Lena's mother. 

Sheila Connors, and Yvonne, Jennifer and Madeline Connors.  Yvonne (Vonnie), Jennifer and Maddie Connors, are clones of Sheila.  All of them have very strong feelings for Helen, and Helen, in turn, loves these women. 

Lucy, a dropout woman, who befriends and supports Helen while she was living with the Dropouts in their camp. 

Megan Barrows, the child of Lieutenant Peter Barrows, the original EVA specialist.  Helen loves Megan like crazy, and so do Lena, Marissa, Maya, Diane, and Athene.

When I'm describing the interaction between Helen and these women, the narrative naturally becomes intimate, and emotional.  All the characters are generally innocent to the point of being naïve, reflecting the naivete of the author (me) at the time I wrote the story. 


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